#13-Motor Information
1. Note-Do the motors have obstacle detection?
Motor Stops Moving / Appears Jammed Motors offered – obstacle detection?
Motors equipped with obstacle detection will also halt operation when it detects pressure against the blinds. If the bottom bar is obstructed, the blind will stop and will not fully close. Remove the obstruction and close the shade again. Wind pressure will also be detected as an obstacle. When this happens, simply wait for the wind to relent before operating your shades again. Do refrain from trying to operate the shades continuously, as the heat sensor will kick in to avoid motors from overheating. The motor is designed to be operated continuously for up to 240 seconds (4 minutes). Beyond that, the motor will stop functioning for about 15 – 20 minutes to prevent the motor from overheating and allow it to cool down. If the shade cannot be operated after 20 mins, do contact your retailer for assistance.
Please note that motorized shades cannot be moved manually, even if the motor stops working.